On the rare occasion that Frontive Health completely freezes or crashes and you are unable to access your information or restart the application, you may be able to login using a different browser as a temporary fix (for example, if your Safari browser freezes, try using Chrome). 

To fully resolve the issue, you should:

  • Select 'New Support Ticket' at the top of the Support Page

  • Include the following in the 'Ticket Submission' form shown below:
    • Your email address
    • A short subject
    • A description of what you were attempting to do (if not obvious from screenshot)
    • The type of device you are using -- phone, tablet, or desktop
    • Your operating system -- iOS, Android, other
    • Your browser -- Chrome, Safari, Firefox, other -- and browser version if possible
    • Use 'Attach a file' to include a screenshot from where you encountered the issue

One of our Support Representatives will contact you as soon as possible to resolve the issue.

NOTE: Frontive Support is available Monday - Friday during the hours of 7AM - 7PM PT, and Saturday from 9AM - 1PM PT.